Which habit you want to cultivate today?

Habby makes it easy for building consistent habits

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How habits are formed?

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A "cue" is what starts a habit, such as a specific time, place or a notification.

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The response is the behavior you do in response to a craving, like performing a habit to get the reward you're seeking.

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The reward is what you get after doing a habit - it's the benefit or payoff that makes the habit worth repeating.

How the app works?


Build habit 🚀

Build your future one habit at a time. Choose a habit, and let Habby help you. Our easy-to-use app is your personal companion to build good habits and achieve your goals.

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Motivating reward 💝

Celebrate your progress! Use rewards to stay motivated and engaged on your habit-building journey. Give yourself something to look forward to and enjoy the sense of accomplishment!

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Your life your rules 😎

Turn habits into wins! Jog, then game. Work, then relax. Customize your rewards with our app and make every achievement feel like a triumph!

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